Oversized Collection of Dickens Village Houses
$200 - $400
Starting bid:
Live Auction
January 21st: Eclectic Variety Auction
Oversized Collection of Dickens Village Houses, along with assorted decor to include Bumpstead Nye Cloaks and Canes, Ashbury Inn, Chadbury Station, (2) T. Wells Fruit & Spice, (2) Candle Shops, Silo and Hay Shed, Church with Steeple, Village Castle, Crown and Cricket Inn, Crowntree Inn, Scrooge and Marley Counting House, Bean and Son Smithy Shop, Lomas Ltd. Molasses, Peggotty's Seaside Cottage, Wingham Lane Parrot Seller, The Locomotive Shed and Water Tower, The Melancholy Tavern, Dickens Village Cottage, Jones & Co. Brush and Basket Mats, CH Watt Physician, Oliver Twist Brownlow House, McShane Cottage, (14) piece village landscape, (2) Village Animated Skating Ponds, A Christmas Carol (3) piece figure group, (5) piece farm people and animals, city subway entrance, village stone footbridge, fieldstone stairway, covered bridge, David Copperfield (5) hand painted accessories, (3) Dickens Carolers, (3) Old Puppeteer hand painted porcelain accessories, (2) Central Park carriages, (1) childe pond and skaters c/o (4) pieces, Beard Barber and (1) village building. Each with original box, save the last village building, most all with original wired light. Very good condition save (1) duck broken off from coop at McShane Cottage.
Absence of a condition report does not deem material without flaw. Please request a current condition report from the office at 610-558-1800 or info@bunchauctions.com