20710 of 638 lots
Framed 1790 Document Francis Lt Col Gurney
$200 - $400
Starting bid:
Live Auction
June 20th: Fine & Decorative Arts Quarterly
Framed 1790 document, "Philad May 7th 1790, Dear Sir, Monday the 10th instant being field day the Battalion will parade at three o'clock on the green at the lower end of third street in the district of southwark, you will be pleased to direct your drum & fife to attend and beat round the district in company with those of the other Companies, early in the morning. Infantry to take and the Cawlers as nothing can be attempted by the battalion the Infantry shall not be detained but a little time." I am Sin you most abt servt Frans Gurney Lt Col 6th Batt Ph Major Hodgden", 12" x 9-3/4" overall Francis Gurney (1738-1815), a native of Bucks County, Pa., served in the French and Indian War, and as a colonel with Pennsylvania troops during the Revolution. After the war he became a merchant in Philadelphia and for a time was warden of the post of Philadelphia, a Philadelphia alderman, and a member of the city council (Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 47 (1923), 175-76). After the war, Gurney returned to Philadelphia where he began his career as a merchant. During the American Revolution, he donated heavily to the cause both monetarily and in military service. He served as a captain with the Grenadier Company, 3rd Regiment, Philadelphia Militia, and was later promoted to lieutenant colonel. He resigned his commission on October 22, 1777 after a failure to receive an expected promotion. Gurney served throughout the remainder of the war and its aftermath in civilian offices. In 1794 he was in command of the 1st Regiment of the Philadelphia Brigade with the rank of colonel. Apparently Gurney had considerable difficulty maintaining discipline among his troops, for Washington wrote Hamilton, 26 Oct., on his way back to Philadelphia, that "I heard great complaints of Gurney's Corps (& some of the Artillery) along the road to Strasburgh. . . . In some places, I was told they did not leave a plate, a spoon, a glass or a knife; and this owing, in a great measure I was informed, to their being left without Officers. At most if not all the encampments, I found the fences in a manner burnt up. I pray you to mention this to Govr. Mifflin" (Library of Congress: Hamilton Papers). In 1799, he was promoted to Brigadier General. In addition to his other civic and military duties, Gurney served on the Board of Trustees of Dickinson College from 1798 until his death. He was often entrusted with College business in Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. Francis Gurney died on May 25, 1815.
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